Thanks, Kurt, for initiating this bit of rule following. For those who don't know what it's about, check the forum rules. Here's the backstory on the rule in question. A while back, in a thread called "Mutillidae," Taxon and I debated Latin pronunciation. I threw out a bit of bait and got two replies, to which I posted, also making reference to a tippet knot we had been discussing elsewhere,
A bite? No, double!
The knot will hold I am sure:
Well-tied ligature.
After a confused post or two CaseyP solved the riddle with her own haiku:
Martin hooks us all
With little Japanese fly
We fall down laughing
Jason took umbrage, and the next day we found the infamous forum rule, to which Kurt responded just after midnight last night. Others have less than four hours Eastern time to get their once a year oriental fix. Though there have been a few scofflaws from time to time.