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Lateral view of a Female Hexagenia limbata (Ephemeridae) (Hex) Mayfly Dun from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin
Hex Mayflies
Hexagenia limbata

The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.

Dorsal view of a Neoleptophlebia (Leptophlebiidae) Mayfly Nymph from the Yakima River in Washington
Some characteristics from the microscope images for the tentative species id: The postero-lateral projections are found only on segment 9, not segment 8. Based on the key in Jacobus et al. (2014), it appears to key to Neoleptophlebia adoptiva or Neoleptophlebia heteronea, same as this specimen with pretty different abdominal markings. However, distinguishing between those calls for comparing the lengths of the second and third segment of the labial palp, and this one (like the other one) only seems to have two segments. So I'm stuck on them both. It's likely that the fact that they're immature nymphs stymies identification in some important way.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Al514's profile picture
Central New York

Posts: 142
Al514 on Jul 26, 2008July 26th, 2008, 6:16 am EDT
Does anyone else lose their dropper if a fish takes the dry? It has been happening to me quite a bit lately and I don't know why - Knot? Where I tie on? Hook-set? During the fight (which is what I think happens)? Thanks for any help.
Milton, DE

Posts: 82
Flybyknight on Jul 26, 2008July 26th, 2008, 10:58 pm EDT
Well, how do you attach your droppers?
and what is the loss mode?
I like to tie on a midge dropper with 18"
of dropper tippet tied to the bend of my dry
using a 7 wrap clinch knot.
If your dropper tippet is too long, or
your dropper fly too heavy,you are probably
hanging up on the bottom.
Hope this helps.
Lightly on the dimpling eddy fling;
the hypocritic fly's unruffled wing.
Thomas Scott
South Korea

Posts: 11
Fishhook on Jul 27, 2008July 27th, 2008, 2:43 am EDT
To All,

I read an Old North American Anglers book that stating that the Dropper line is attached to the main point of the main stem of the leader. I am curios to note what the loss rate is from anyone that uses this setup on a regular basis.

Bob Soska
Best friend's Site:
Mystic Fly Rods - Premium rods without the premium price tag!
Wbranch's profile picture
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2635
Wbranch on Jul 27, 2008July 27th, 2008, 10:24 am EDT
As Flybyknight stated when I add a dropper to my dry, which is very often, I always add it to the bend of the top fly hook. I usually use the same break strength line as that of the tippet. I've noticed, that often if I am late striking, the dropper fly will "hook" the fish in some part of their anatomy other than the mouth. Sometimes even when the fish is hooked in the mouth with the top fly the thrashing of the fish makes the dropper get impaled in a fin or someplace else.

One note about droppers that many of you may not be trying is to add another dry fly to your line. I often have a dry fly on and will add piece of 5X or 6X (12" - 30") and add either the same pattern (create a hatch LOL) or add another size or a different pattern.

It is easy to watch two flies if they are only 12" apart but it is really a test of your eyesight to try and keep track of two when they are 30" apart.
Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
South Korea

Posts: 11
Fishhook on Jul 27, 2008July 27th, 2008, 11:08 am EDT

Thank you for the information. I am anxious to try this set and asked my fly supplier to make some suggestions regarding this strategy. Dan at flydealflies.com has come up with some patterns to use that I will try once I get another order placed. I see nothing wrong with creating your own hatch and kind of like the idea personally. Now all I have to do is capture the type bugs we have out on our streams and and either tie or buy the little buggers. My eyes are getting old and spotting those little buggers can be a challenge these days.
Concerning the setup, do you know of anyone that ties the dropper line to the main leader junction?
Bob Soska
Best friend's Site:
Mystic Fly Rods - Premium rods without the premium price tag!
Wbranch's profile picture
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2635
Wbranch on Jul 27, 2008July 27th, 2008, 12:56 pm EDT
The more traditional dropper set up is to leave the tag ends of the tippet in a knotted leader about six inches long. Then you can add a fly to each of the two tag ends and another to the end of the leader.

Another method that I like better is to make two Perfection loops in the leader about 12" - 15" apart. Then tie short sections of tippet to the loops and add your fly. When the tippet gets short cut off the remnant and add a new 6" piece.
Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
Hollidaysburg Pa

Posts: 251
LittleJ on Jul 27, 2008July 27th, 2008, 2:48 pm EDT
I prefer to tie the dropper off of the eye of the lead fly. I feel more confidence in the hookset this way.
South Korea

Posts: 11
Fishhook on Jul 28, 2008July 28th, 2008, 1:45 am EDT
Hi Guys,

I am going to experiment with all your suggestions along with the one I mentioned just to try them all out. This is new territory for me so I am anxious to give it a try. I love wet fly fishing and really enjoy the dry fly side of it too. I appreciate the great feed abck. Now all I am waiting on is the rain to stop falling and my new fly line to get here so I can get my new Mystic rods and reels out on the water

Bob Soska
Best friend's Site:
Mystic Fly Rods - Premium rods without the premium price tag!

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