Tiny Baetis mayflies are perhaps the most commonly encountered and imitated by anglers on all American trout streams due to their great abundance, widespread distribution, and trout-friendly emergence habits.
To me, the color of a spinner, is way more important to the tyer than it is to the trout. Size and shape are more important IMHO...
Depends on the family, Bruce. Baetids yes, but some heptageniids and ephemerillids for example, no.
spinner falls for Grey Drake spinners that were intense on our Henry's Fork of the Snake, and intense over a long period of time.
Yes, the Ranch has gone through some lean years. The drought years really hurt Island Park, and then there was the need for dam repair that dropped the water down to nothing, and really depleted the fish pop. They tried to net them, and transfer them downriver, but weren't very successful.
There is a lot of interesting spinner data here. I am curious to learn what you guys prefer to use for the wing of the spinners you tie or buy... ...Any opinions?