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Lateral view of a Female Hexagenia limbata (Ephemeridae) (Hex) Mayfly Dun from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin
Hex Mayflies
Hexagenia limbata

The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.

Lateral view of a Female Sweltsa borealis (Chloroperlidae) (Boreal Sallfly) Stonefly Adult from Harris Creek in Washington
I was not fishing, but happened to be at an unrelated social event on a hill above this tiny creek (which I never even saw) when this stonefly flew by me. I assume it came from there. Some key characteristics are tricky to follow, but process of elimination ultimately led me to Sweltsa borealis. It is reassuringly similar to this specimen posted by Bob Newell years ago. It is also so strikingly similar to this nymph from the same river system that I'm comfortable identifying that nymph from this adult. I was especially pleased with the closeup photo of four mites parasitizing this one.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Post pictures of flies you've tied, your fly boxes, or the steps to tying your flies.
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Oct 2, 2020
by Wbranch
Aug 24, 2020
by Wbranch
Aug 5, 2020
by Partsman
Mar 11, 2019
by Wbranch
Mark Libertone Flies [Page: 1, 2] Featured Topic
+ 3
In discussions with Mark about this fly, he was of the opinion that the tail should be shorter due to "short strikes"...Small-mouth bass don't have that problem. :)
Oct 3, 2013 by Oldredbarn
Oct 3, 2015
by Martinlf
Jan 29, 2015 by Wbranch
Feb 4, 2015
by Wbranch
Compara duns [Page: 1, 2, 3, 4] Front view CDC Red Quill Side view CDC Red Quill Front view CDC Hendrickson Side view CDC Hendrickson Front view hair wing March Brown
Jan 25, 2012 by Wbranch
Dec 11, 2014
by Kschaefer3
Aug 7, 2014
by PaulRoberts
Jul 27, 2014
by Oldredbarn
Apr 22, 2013
by Wbranch
Fly Boxes The huge box on the far left is a boat box and is unique in that it can be closed and inverted and there is another two page box identical to this side - equally full of Clousers. The two silver Wheatley's are steelhead flies in the box in the middle of the frame and Atlantic salmon flies in the box to the left.  The box to the immediate right of the center Wheatley are also all hairwing steelhead flies but smaller #6 - #10.  In the two large clear boxes in the foreground are back-up stock of bonefish and crab flies and the box to the right are all Atlantic salmon dry flies.

There are a minimum of 7000 flies in the boxes, probably more than 8000 - but who's counting? HeHe! The other one third of my fly boxes - the long green box is all shrimp & crab patterns for bonefish and permit. The large opague gray box on the upper left is big striper and shark flies as well as barracuda flies and big poppers and I can see about a dozen grasshoppers too. A close-up of four of my six C&F boxes. The two boxes in the upper row are various PMD emergers, duns, and spinners and also a gazillion cinnamon CDC caddis adults, pupa, and spent caddis.  THe bottom left hand box is all Ep dorothea (Sulfur) emergers, duns, and spinners in #18 - #22.  There is a Myran box for the #16 duns and emergers and a larger 4" x 6" box for Ep invaria #14.  I've got my boxes set-up to be hatch specific.  Separate boxes for every hatch that I encounter on the Delaware system and the Montana tailwaters and spring creeks.
Feb 13, 2013 by Wbranch
Feb 14, 2013
by Jmd123
Jan 15, 2013
by Wbranch
Hangman's Parasol Featured Topic
Jul 25, 2012 by Shawnny3
Jul 27, 2012
by Troutnut
Jul 9, 2012
by Crepuscular
Jul 1, 2012
by Entoman
First Flies [Page: 1, 2] "Elk Hair Caddis" This is an imitation for the Little Black Sedge Hatch, mixed up a couple different patterns. White Sucker Mickey Finn Hare's Ear.  I had a little trouble with the wingcase, is it alright or does it need to be bigger?  Also I think it's too fat/not long enough, am I right?
Feb 8, 2012 by FisherOfMen
Feb 18, 2012
by FisherOfMen
Gammarus [Page: 1, 2, 3] Scanned with Epson scanner on 300 dpi
Feb 11, 2012 by Redtag
Feb 17, 2012
by Oldredbarn
Classic Wets [Page: 1, 2] Featured Topic Yellow Sally. One of my first attempts 3 years ago. It's been so long I can't remember the name of this one.
Dec 24, 2010 by Lastchance
Mar 20, 2011
by Lastchance
Dec 2, 2010
by Lastchance
Fruit fly hook [Page: 1, 2]
+ 4
Here it is, next to a size-26 hook for comparison. OK, that first pic was a joke.  Here is the actual hook, with a size-26 hook for comparison. Here is the hook again, with a dime to give perspective.  I had another shot with a ruler, but it got inadvertently deleted.  It is 2.0 mm long, compared with the 6-mm long size-26. The little brother, 1.50 mm long. My 3rd and 4th attempts, after having made a pair of tweezers specifically for this purpose.  The larger hook is 1.75 mm long, and the smaller one is 1.30 mm long.
Sep 5, 2010 by Shawnny3
Sep 26, 2010
by Shawnny3
Jun 5, 2010
by Vinlflyfish
Apr 21, 2010
by CaseyP
May 11, 2008
by DayTripper
Feb 15, 2008
by AftonAngler
nymph pictures Isonychia Nymph
Tied by Little J Hare Lug and Plover
Tied by: CaseyP
Feb 9, 2008 by JOHNW
Jan 10, 2008
by Shawnny3
Dec 13, 2007
by Jmd123
Oct 6, 2007
by Shawnny3
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