The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.
Hmm... I didn't think that solomoni had the lateral stripe. It could be lateralis has the two look pretty much the same, but it's stripe is thinner isn't it? What size was it and what kind of water did it come from?
Sure shows why pupal designs incorporating a blend of chartreuse and lime green dubbing, fluor. chartreuse rib, and dark primary feathers as shellbacks work so well.
I don't know if an undershell is worth the hassle, though.
You are a tier Tony. Sure it's worth it. Nice.
Eric. By the way brother, you are blowing my mind with these pics! It may be time for you to quit your day job. :)
Quit my day job? Oh you mean something like fake my death and disappear into the Patagonian wilderness or the Indian Ocean somewhere and just take pictures and fish for print and online submission under a new identity?...It never occurred to me.
If it is the "halo" like Gary L. has encouraged with his patterns...