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The fly has not yet been posted to my site, but will be added, soon. So you get first "look" at it.
The fly is fairly simple, yet it worked very well for these flies. What was nice about it was the fact it could be fished wet, downstream, or upstream in surface, or just below. I even fished it slightly down and across in the surface to feeding fish.
To me there is nothing like a flymph or softhackle to get fish moving. The movement of the hackle is the key.
Here is the recipe:
Black Stone Flymph--
Hook: For wet version-Standard wet fly longer shank hook. For fishing in the film or just under use a fine wire, long shank dry fly hook as shown-size 12-14-16.
Thread: Black
Hackle: I used two crow hackles, one wound through the thorax, the other was wrapped at the head as a collar( Use only one turn as a collar.). Strip one side of the fibers off each hackle or there'll be too much hackle. (I'm sure black hen hackle could be substituted for crow.)
Ribbing: a fine piece of black Krystal Flash through the abdomen.
Abdomen: Black rabbit, spun Leisenring style on black thread.
Throrax: Dubbed heavier than the abdomen to the tying thread.
Hope this helps and encourages others to try it.