I'm pretty sure Shawn's not looking to get into advanced programming languages, but I can't resist the temptation to weigh in on Jeremy's comments anyway.
Using a web language such as Perl which many people are scared of will give you possibilty you never imagined. When you combine Perl with javascript and CSS you can render virtually anything.
I only wrote a little Perl a long time ago, so I don't know it very well, but I know it has a reputation for being more difficult than the alternatives.
I would recommend PHP for most relatively simple standalone server-side scripting. It works for more complex stuff, too (I wrote this whole site in PHP) but I think there's a better way to do that now -- the Rails framework for the Ruby language, aka Ruby on Rails. It's an incredibly powerful structure for developing complex web applications quickly, and in a forward-thinking way that'll be easy to maintain in the future.
Have you ever been on a webpage that submits forms without ever seing the browser refresh? Other then our sites Ive never seen it
That's called AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And XML) and it's becoming fairly mainstream. Ruby on Rails makes it as easy as possible, although it seems there are decent AJAX frameworks for most languages.
If you really wanna design a site to blow the socks off of people learn these languages and combine them all. In order will help!
CSS - and the corrisponding css in javascript
AJAX isn't really a language. It's a set of technologies. You don't really sit down to learn it... you just learn how to do various AJAX tasks in whatever framework you work with.
I'm not sure how necessary XML is to typical application development. I've actually built some pages using XML and XSLT and it's a huge pain in the ass -- the browsers just have too many bugs to work out. It's handy to know XML to generate RSS feeds but it's not really necessary for most things.
I would break down the essentials like this:
HTML and CSS: Really all you need to build simple webpages and make them look almost any way you like.
PHP: A little knowledge of PHP goes a long way if you want to do really basic server-side stuff without much application logic or database usage.
Ruby: The Ruby on Rails framework is certainly the most hyped technology for developing complex web applications now. After playing around with it for a couple weeks, I think the hype is well-deserved. Its application design philosophy (the Model-View-Controller pattern and "Convention over Configuration" mantra) is top-notch and the syntax is crisp and more like natural speech than any other mainstream web programming language.
MySQL: Complex applications require some database usage. Some modern frameworks like Ruby on Rails have a wrapper to abstract common database tasks, but it's still important to understand what's being done behind the scenes. Also, complex database tasks can't be handled by the framework's simple wrapper, so manual knowledge of the database is important there.
Disclaimer: For anyone thinking of building a webpage who's intimidated by this techno-babble, don't worry. There are very easy ways to build most types of webpages, so you probably won't need to learn any of this stuff unless you really get into it.