Query Options Chosen:
Family Scientific Name
Baetidae Acentrella insignificans
Baetidae Acentrella turbida
Baetidae Baetis bicaudatus
Total species/subspecies selected: 3
Family name: Baetidae
Scientific name: Acentrella insignificans
Previously know as: Baetis insignificans
Common name:
Locality: W
CAN Regions: FN,NW
MEX Regions: SW
USA Regions: FN,NE,NW,SW
Cent. Amer. Countries:
CAN Provinces: AB, BC, NT, SU, YU.
MEX States: CH, QT, SO
USA States: AK, AZ, CA, CO, ID, NE, NM, NV, OR, TX, WA, UT.
Habitat: small to medium sized streams
Emergence (begin) date: early-May
Emergence (end) date: late-Oct
Emergence time of day:
Spinner fall time of day:
Nymph minimum length: 6 mm.
Nymph maximum length: 7 mm.
Nymph identification keys: wide pale mark on tergites 3-8, 9 & 10 mostly pale
Nymph body description:
Nymph legs:
Nymph gills: veinlets indistinct
Nymph tusks:
Nymph tails: 2,
Family name: Baetidae
Scientific name: Acentrella turbida
Previously know as: Acentrella carolina, Cloeon carolina, Pseudocloeon carolina, Pseudocloeon turbidum
Common name: Bluewinged Olive Dun, Graywinged Brown Quill, Little Slatewinged Brown Quill, Bluewinged Olive, Minute Graywinged Brown
Locality: W, E
CAN Regions: NE,NW
MEX Regions: SW
Cent. Amer. Countries:
CAN Provinces: AB, BC, MB, NS, ON, QC, S
MEX States:
USA States: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CO, CT, GA, IA, ID, IN, KY, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, NC, NE, NM, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, TN, TX, UT, VA, WA, WI, WV.
Emergence (begin) date: early-May
Emergence (end) date: late-Oct
Emergence time of day:
Spinner fall time of day:
Nymph minimum length: (W): 5 mm. (E): 4 mm.
Nymph maximum length: (W): 6 mm. (E): 5 mm.
Nymph identification keys: stout body, tergites 1-8 brown, 9 & 10 pale, each tergite with two minute dots, one on each side of mid-line
Nymph body description: pale olive w/tergites 1-8 dark olive, wing case light brown
Nymph legs: pale olive
Nymph gills:
Nymph tusks:
Nymph tails: 2, (W):pale olive (E):olive
Family name: Baetidae
Scientific name: Baetis bicaudatus
Previously know as: Baetis minimus
Common name: Bluewinged Olive, Light Rusty Spinner, Pale Olive Dun
Locality: W
CAN Regions: FN,NW
MEX Regions:
USA Regions: FN,NW,SW
Cent. Amer. Countries:
CAN Provinces: AB, BC, NT, YU.
MEX States:
USA States: AK, CA, CO, ID, MT, NE, NM, OK, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY
Habitat: medium to fast
Emergence (begin) date: 1-Apr
Emergence (end) date: 30-Oct
Emergence time of day: sporadic, daylight
Spinner fall time of day: early morning & evening
Nymph minimum length: 4 mm.
Nymph maximum length: 5 mm.
Nymph identification keys: tergites 4,5,9,10 often pale
Nymph body description: medium olive brown w/tergites 1-10 pale in color, dark markings on abdominal segments 3,4,7
Nymph legs:
Nymph gills: veinlets indistinct
Nymph tusks:
Nymph tails: 2,