Did you notice the darker alternate joinings of the cerci, and that the front of the head appears to be white? The body does seem too dark for that species, but how about:
Scientific name: Maccaffertium modestum
Previously know as: Ecdyonurus ruber, Ecdyonurus rubromaculatus, Epeorus modestus, Heptagenia modesta, Heptagenia rubromaculata, Iron modestus, Stenonema annexum, Stenonema modestum, Stenonema ruber, Stenonema rubromaculatum, Stenonema rubrum, Stenonema varium
Common name: Cream Cahill
Locality: E, M
Nymphal habitat: gravel riffles of medium sized to large streams, where current is swift, but water is shallow (6 inches or less in depth)
Emergence (begin) date: early-Jun
Emergence (end) date: mid-Aug
Emergence time of day:
Spinner fall time of day:
Nymph (mature) minimum length: 9 mm.
Nymph maximum length: 11 mm.
Nymph identification keys: posterolateral spines on abdominal segment: (7-9); dark posterior margin on sternites: (no); broad femoral flanging
Nymph body description: tergites dark brown, sternites light brownish olive
Nymph legs: light and dark banding w/wide dark femoral bands
Nymph gills: on segments 1-6, truncate, purplish-gray
Nymph tusks:
Nymph tails: 3, w/dark bands
Dun minimum length: 9 mm.
Dun maximum length: 11 mm.
Dun identification keys:
Dun body description: creamy white w/brown markings on tergites; (former S. rubrum): thorax olive, abdomen patterned w/olive
Dun wings: pale gray; (former S. rubrum): creamy-white, faintly tinged w/green
Dun legs: creamy-white, faintly tinged w/green
Dun tails: 2, pale tan
Spinner minimum length: 8 mm.
Spinner maximum length: 13 mm.
Spinner identification keys: head of male translucent white in front, pale reddish brown above, ocelli prominently ringed w/black
Spinner body description: thorax same as abdomen but w/yellow cast, abdomen whitish to cream to orange-yellow to tan; (former S. rubrum): thorax yellowish, abdomen cream
Spinner wings: hyaline w/slight mottling and dark reddish venation; large hind wings; (former S. rubrum): hyaline w/amber longitudinal veins and brown cross-veins, stigmatic area of fore wings slightly tinged w/pink
Spinner legs: hind tarsi 5-segmented; (former S. modestum): tan banded w/brown markings; (former S. rubrum): femora w/narrow midian and apical bands of dilute purple, tibiae smoky at tip, middle and hind legs nearly white w/femora having very faint median and apical ba
Spinner tails: 2, (former S. modestrum): cream to light tan; (former S. rubrum): white to very pale buff, alternate joinings narrowly dark