Shawnny3 on Mar 2, 2008March 2nd, 2008, 11:27 pm EST
Nothing more exhausting or funny than walking through deep snow in neoprene waders. I remember the last time I did it with my brother - we definitely didn't hike in as far as we'd hoped to, and we laughed our freaking butts off the whole way as we fell down time after time. It wasn't quite as funny for me, though, as it was a week later when there was a crust on that same 2-feet of snow - my skinny 170 pounds could just barely walk along the crust, while his sorry 230 pounds would just barely fall through. Watching him put almost all his weight on each foot before it fell through, as well as the look on his face each time it did, was priceless.
Well I cannot lay claim to any of the fine specimens above, but just to be looked at as one of the "crazed ones" out there, I'll mention my first trout of the year, a 13.5" brown that took my hex nymph at about 4:00 in the afternoon. I was fishing on the White River in NW Wisconsin. The air temp. was about 27 degrees and the water 35. After three consecutive seasons going to the White for the opener, I have yet to have a multi-fish day. They're getting bigger though. It's gone from 11" my first year, 9" last, and almost 14" this year. All browns.
I couldn't have been happier on the ride home. All smiles....Cheers to 2008!
Freepow on Mar 3, 2008March 3rd, 2008, 4:16 pm EST
I too had a bit of luck on the opener. I caught a pretty little brookie on the Rush River. I was surprised because I hadn't caught a brookie there. It was on a little dry fly too! What a nice day to be out. Can't wait to go again next weekend...pray to the weather gods everyone!
"I fish...because I suspect that men are going along this way for the last time, and I for one don't want to waste the trip..."