I don't know, if it's "species specific" or what, quite honestly but I've had BOTH "types of Carp" on fly rods..............ones that took me into the backing, on their first run and, others, that were like landing a bag of wet socks. BOTH FISH, were roughly the same size....(about 6 pounds) and in the SAME school with each other!?!
But, I've also had fish'in buddies go almost teary eyed, with excitement, over fishing for Lahontan trout.
"Run ya', into the backing, every time!"............ "Bring a STEEL fly rod, they snap graphite, Boran and glass!"........"They fight like mad alligators, only WORSE!!" and so on.
Well, after 5 trips for these "monsters of the deep", on the same lake, same time of year, etc. etc. as the exciters had fished for them, all I can say is......... "KEEP the Lahontans!'
I've hooked into more responsive and harder fighting sofa pillows, people have thrown into the lake! Yes, they make "long runs", at times when first hooked........... right along the bottom of the lake, like a Sturgeon will.Only slower and with less energy.
One trip, we hooked, landed and released, 31 of these "slugs", ranging in length 22" to 32". Not, ONE, fought more than a few heads shakes.
So, I'm sure it's also true then, with the Alabama Bone Fish, the lowly 'ol Carp!!?! There are those, like some trout, that will make you wish you'd spun on more backing or had a heavier rod along. I've caught a lot of those. Like, others, I've also caught a lot of the sofa pillow and slug Carp. I, suppose, it's what makes fishing for ANY species, the fun that it is!?!