I'm enjoying having such scenery like this within range of a quick after-work fishing trip here in Washington. I caught a whopper for this river at 11" long, but 6-8" was the norm.
Jmd123 on Jul 18, 2018July 18th, 2018, 3:45 pm EDT
WOW that scenery is insane! What a spectacular place to have as a regular, easy-access fishing spot. I thought my fishing spots were pretty (see my latest post)! Thanks for sharing.
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Partsman on Jul 19, 2018July 19th, 2018, 12:03 pm EDT
Second Jonathons take on your after work fishing spots! That is just some crazy beautiful scenery. And the fish are pretty cool to! My wife visited my mom and dad last year near sedonna Arizona, we took the jeep ride up to the red rock country and that was cool, but no were as nice as the country you live in! God my after work fishing spots used to be the Saginaw river for walleyes. You are very fortunate to be were your at, maybe one day I can make it out there.
Paulhokenes on Jul 21, 2018July 21st, 2018, 8:14 am EDT
I’m new here. I have been hunting the world over for a OB-6 Galvan rod for years now. If anyone has one or knows of one please ping me. Even if you know somebody who wants a new reel and would trade up. I have the 1-5 and need the 6 to be whole.