It's been said that we all stand on the shoulders that precede us and that very little is truly new under the sun. Regardless, it's the individual souls subtle and unique individual imprint put on their "creations" that makes them original in all the universe. Nothing has been exactly like them before or will be again. Close perhaps, but not the same. To me, this is a key attribute that makes it art...
Spoiler alert! Spence is going to carry on a bit here...If you are not interested do not read past this point. Stop it now...I mean it. :)
Many, many, years ago I was driving truck at night for the Detroit Free Press in Detroit and working my way through college...One of the old watering holes of my friends and I had a nice pool table...There was a young, bare-footed, young siren who used to play there that tugged a bit on this old dutchman's heart strings...Or something like that. ;)
I was doing all I possibly could to get her attention, which she understood, but to no avail...I knew she was a student as well and was an English major who wrote her own poetry...I tried to impress and she finally got around to asking me who my favorite poet was...
I said, "T.S.Eliot". She looked at me and said, "I hate T.S.Eliot! He's so derivative!"
I muttered something about, "Who isn't" and gave up the hunt...
"Nothing new under the sun." That's for sure! The Improved Sofa Pillow ended up the "Mattress Thrasher" along the Au Sable, which is a variation of the Stimulator etc...We just don't palmer a hackle through the abdomen so the fly 's body rests on the water. We leave out the tail as well. A great fly in different versions to rattle up Brown's when the stoneflies are about.
The link takes you to Steve Willian's page on Hans' web site. Toggle down to Yellow-Bellied Mattress Thrasher. Steve Williams has been hanging around the Au Sable since the 70's sometime and this is his version. Change the size and color to match the natural and bam!