Jmd123 on Oct 5, 2015October 5th, 2015, 5:31 pm EDT
After a nasty five-day stretch of high winds, things finally calmed down enough to get out the kayak again, in fact I had a lake that looked like glass today. Not only that, I got to share it with a pair of trumpeter swans with a cygnet! And to sweeten the deal, both the trout and the perch were biting today, all on a #6 silver/grey KBF with lead dumbbell eyes. Six of the seven perch were big enough to drop off at my local shop for filleting, the trout were just a hair too short to keep (these are stockers with no hope of reproducing). All of it made for a lovely day!
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Partsman on Oct 6, 2015October 6th, 2015, 11:52 am EDT
Cool Jonathon, I was up on the pine yesterday grouse hunting with the old lab. That goofy dog just loves to get in the river and swim and then go like a mad man in that cedar swamp. We swung by the Foote damn and the high banks, and then the whirlpool launch to see if there was anything going on fish wise. Boy things sure have changed in the 40 or so years, I remember the Ausable being full of spawning salmon this time of year, what a zoo it was at foote damn! Oh well fall is a beautiful time to up north and I hope to make a few more trips up that before winter.