The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.
I'd like to thank the kind folks of the Midwest for helping to restore our PA beaver populations, even though many of those Midwestern imports have (temporarily) ruined my fishing or scared the crap out of me with their close-range tail-slapping antics.
Sorry G. You know how fond some of us Michigan Boys are for "those PA boys"! We didn't want our cousins over your way to mis-out on all the fun. ;)
If you don't understand the importance or function of a certain part, would you throw it away and assume that the engine is still going to work well???
This is a trick question, right? :-)
Giardiasis can also be transmitted by other rodents like muskrats. It can be carried by domestic animals and during the rainy season, fields treated with manure can wash the spores (more properly "cysts") into the watershed.
It isn't advisable to drink any water that doesn't come from a tap unless it comes directly from a spring.
Human transmission does occur, but usually from daycare centers or food handlers.