I know that this isn't the food channel, but your tantalizing photos of morels seems to have hit a chord with the two homesick boys Luke & Jason and myself.
I have two.5 stories regarding the lovely tasty little treats...
1987...My fist evening in Germany for a month long stay. I was in the little town of Amorbach. I had flown all night (without sleep) to Frankfurt, hopped in a rented Fiat Uno Diesel (try driving this dream car on the autobahn), and was sitting at dinner in the Gasthaus where we were staying...My girlfriend(now wife) had a stuffed trout from the local streams, I had a guyere cheese omellete with morels again from the local woods, boiled/buttered potatos, and a local Pilsner...I'm almost in tears here...Alles hat sehr gut geschmeckt!
perhaps if I run across some of my other favorite mushrooms!
Back-in-the-day...A fishing friend and I were going to fish and pulled up to an access site at one of our favorite loops on the South Branch Au Sable...There were cars everywhere and we almost drove off when someone walked out from the woods and said they were all hunting morels and the river was ours alone to fish.
We fished our loop and as we were walking the deer trail back to the truck we spotted the mother lode...We couldn't believe our luck. Here were these pros tromping through the woods looking for morels and bingo we run up on handfuls of them.
.5: Rusty Gates' wife Julie ran the dining room at the Lodge until this season. She grew up in the old logging town of Lovell's and knew her way around a frying pan and morels...She always had folks staying at the Lodge that found morels and she would store them in the frig for them and cook them up as a side for them and their friends at diner...A nice glass of Pinot...Yum!
Well I was looking forward to just this senario when I ran in to my fishing buddy latter and discovered that he had swapped our scrooms for a bag of weed! Ouch!!! My taste buds slammed in to the wall for some "buds"!