So today I decided that, instead of hitting the pond I posted the pictures from yesterday, I would go hit the Pine instead just to see how the water conditions were doing, if there were any flies, and if there were any danged tourists. Well, I went to my "usual" spot (though I've only been there three times so far) and there were two cars parked at the bridge. Forget it, I won't catch diddly if I have to follow two other guys up this stream! Good thing, too, because I went to the next access spot upstream and found nobody! A couple of people had already told me, "Man, you have to check out [REDACTED], it's just full of trout!" So, here I was at [REDACTED] and it looked really nice. I first tied on a dry (Hendrickson) but upon coming to this pool I decided it was streamer-swingin' time, so on went an olive (grizzly marabou), peacock (body), and natural grizzly (hackle) Woolly Bugger, size 10, which got me a little 10" brown on the Rifle last weekend. After swinging it through the fast part of the current in the center of the pool and getting no attention, I decided to shoot it upstream along the outer edge of the current. BANG!! Up comes an 11" brookie! Then a few minutes later, BANG again! Up comes a spunky little 7" rainbow. Then not 5 minutes later BANG a third time! And up comes...a foot-long LARGEMOUTH BASS????? "What the heck are YOU doing in here, isn't it a little cold for you??" All of these fish hit within less than 10 minutes, and then the pool went dead. After another hour of nothing, I headed upstream from the dam and tied on one of my original silver & grey KBFs in size 10. Dropping it near the bank upstream from a log, I got a hit! Then another and another and another on successive casts, and finally a 10" brookie ended up stuck on it. I guess the KBF isn't just for bass anymore! I did see some mayflies, a few Hennies, Red Quills, and something else paler, plus some caddis flitting about, but only two random rises and they wouldn't hit my dry. I guess all of that streamer swinging I did for smallies on the Huron downstate is paying off!
Well, I've seen largemouth and rainbows sharing the same waters in Missouri and Georgia (rainbows & bluegills too, even rainbows & crappie in GA). But a largemouth in brookie waters in Michigan?? The water was all of 56 F too. I'm surprised that bass wasn't blue!
This bass on flies thing is just getting rediculous - even when I go looking for trout and FIND them, I'm STILL catching bass!
P.S. Saw some beautiful wildflowers and my second bald eagle of the year!
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...