The giant Salmonflies of the Western mountains are legendary for their proclivity to elicit consistent dry-fly action and ferocious strikes.
1- Under the (Title, Replies, Last reply) heading, in which the list of most recent topics is maintained, I notice that the author’s name of the topic title is replaced by the name of the person last posting. The same is true under the (Most Recent Posts) side bar. I suggest that the author’s name remain fixed with the title.
otherwise, the compact display of postings without a lot of avatars, stars, and other bells and whistles, makes it my favorite to use.
1- Under the (Title, Replies, Last reply) heading, in which the list of most recent topics is maintained, I notice that the author’s name of the topic title is replaced by the name of the person last posting. The same is true under the (Most Recent Posts) side bar. I suggest that the author’s name remain fixed with the title.
2) A guide to capitalization in writing.
A guide to capitalization in writing. Jmd123
rofl. Troutnut
I don't know of anything that could make it better
2) a "not related to insects or trout fishing" topic board in the forum section.
those that want to post other species and topics (like "hockey" for spence
oh, and a filter button for spence's posts ;)