I know that everyone's out fishing and this is probably a bad time to start a new thread, but...I have a problem.
I carry way too much stuff in my vest! To the point that friends I fish with blame it and it alone for my two back surgeries...Never mind the hereditary degenerative disk disease and playing ice hockey up until 2003.
I finally started to agree with my friends when I was preparing for this last trip to the Au Sable last week. I have been doing some serious tying over the winter and bought a few new boxes to accommidate them and realised I had no more actual pockets left open on my vest for them! I started to stow the extras in the zippered back pocket...
The damn thing weighs a ton! I have two Wheatley's that carry the primo dry flies for the trip...You have seen my nymph box, but there's a floating nymph box, a box or two of stones, caddis, midges (this shouldn't be such a problem, eh?!), I left the teresstrial box back in the room and angst over it because of all the ants I saw while out fishing. Then there's the "experimental" boxes...These were thought up for exact situations that may never actually come up...Example this year was a "secret" fly to cover Brown Drakes stuck in their shucks only to find weather contitions so good the actual emergence seemed almost effortless...
I once went to Montana extremely well prepared with hundreds of beautifilly tied flies only to find out a caddis pattern I had may have been the only fly I actually needed...Give or take.
The last month of May can be a bear for a devoted "match-the-hatcher"! I have fished this same week for 20+ years and I know what I may find, but herein lies the problem...I know what I "might" find!
I know also that I will be fishing after dark so I have a couple lights, bug dope (enough to be classified a Super Fund clean up site), floatants, my pipe and tobac to help keep the biting flies away, some water, some GORP, no rain coat needed this time, two small seine nets, now a small camera, a long sleeved shirt for after dark and it cools down, sun glasses & regular glasses for after dark, and all the little gadgets hanging from the front of my vest...scissors, snips, hemos, net etc...etc!
Somebody help me before I fall over and can't stand back up and drown! I have been thinking of a system where I carry a much more limited number of fly boxes somehow and carry extra replacements in some other system back in the room...I have seen more guys using those new light weight vests by FishPond etc...
Any ideas would be appreciated!!! Does anyone else have it as bad as me or am I over the top carrying something to cover every possible stage of a poor mayfly's life! Not just a mayfly, but invaria, dorothea, vicarium, simulans, tricaudatus, adoptiva, rapidus...etc, etc, etc! Is there a withdraw program for old-school match-the-hatchers? It was all Ernie's fault!
"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively
"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood