I don't recall that photo, Mark, perhaps someone else will. However, you can get a pretty good idea of what the nymphs look like by looking at the Eastern/Midwestern versions:
dorothea http://www.troutnut.com/specimen/766
excrucians http://www.troutnut.com/specimen/588
You can probably find hundreds of versions of the Pheasant Tail nymph on the web. It's hard to beat Sawyer's original, but many tiers don't like tying with copper wire. Or, you could just try this pattern/style:
Tails--a few barred partridge fibers
Rib--fine gold wire
Abdomen/Thorax--rabbit/Antron dubbing blend in yellowish brown, olive brown or dark brown
Wingcase--black or dark brown poly yarn over thorax
Legs--a few barred partridge fibers on either side of thorax
You can weight this nymph with a copper wire underbody (or a bead, I suppose) or use unweighted for fishing in the film. I hope that helps.