Tiny Baetis mayflies are perhaps the most commonly encountered and imitated by anglers on all American trout streams due to their great abundance, widespread distribution, and trout-friendly emergence habits.
This specimen appears to be of the same species as this one collected in the same spot two months earlier. The identification of both is tentative. This one suffered some physical damage before being photographed, too, so the colors aren't totally natural. I was mostly photographing it to test out some new camera setting idea, which worked really well for a couple of closeups.
Flytyerinpa on Jun 9, 2017June 9th, 2017, 2:00 am EDT
I've been thinking about increasing my fly tying materials, I'm going to buy some shuck material but I don't want to buy every color under the sun, so here's my question what are the most popular colors for fishing eastern Pennsylvania ?
Crepuscular on Jun 9, 2017June 9th, 2017, 2:37 am EDT
dark brown, brown, olive, amber, clear or white. That will cover pretty much all the mayflies and caddis. Most of the ephemerellids, (Sulphurs, hendricksons, drunellas) all have dark shucks, Baetids are variable from brown, olive to amber. Brown will cover most other mayflies. Caddis pupal shucks are clear. Some common ones have a tannish/amber tint. That material will take a permanet marker too so you can use a sharpie or pantone to make it any color you want.