The giant Salmonflies of the Western mountains are legendary for their proclivity to elicit consistent dry-fly action and ferocious strikes.
According to hatch charts online, sulphurs won't be hatching until early May, the consensus is between the 8th and 12th. Having said that, and add to it several days in the 70's and mid to high 60's, is it possible that I am seeing some now? I noticed what I think are sulphurs on a stream that has a very strong and long sulphur hatch. Others are telling me I'm crazy and some others have seen them too. Some people tell me that they could be light hendricksons but they are fairly small, size 16ish and I don't believe this stream has a praticularly strong handrickson hatch.
Having said that, and add to it several days in the 70's and mid to high 60's, is it possible that I am seeing some now?
there are some that will have E. invaria emergences throughout the year.