Weighting your Woolly Buggers can be done many ways - underwrapping with lead/non-toxic wire, bead-heads, bead-chain eyes, or lead dumbbell eyes (plated nickel or gold or etc.). I personally prefer the last two because they look like eyes! I also prefer sizes 6 to 10, and colors of your choice but have some black, brown, olive, and some others. Here's one of my favorites:
POG Bugger - Peacock herl body, Olive grizzly marabou tail, natural Grizzly hackle (tied in at the head, wrapped backwards to the tail, counter-wrapped with medium green wire) - with or without black bead-chain eyes. Replace the peacock herl with brown chenille, the olive grizzly marabou with brown grizzly marabou, and the medium green wire with medium copper wire, and you have another deadly trout bugger, again with or without black bead-chain eyes.
Hope this helps! Best of luck. Oh, didn't I mention a hot pink Bugger to you in another post? I did once have a great big brown snap at a #6 in hot pink at one of those MO trout parks, so make sure you got that color too!
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...