Were there many young people attending your FF Expo?
Well...Yes...The majority were older. We do have a "Kids Corner" for the youngsters where they tie a fly, dye a t-shirt, and cast. That was packed this year.
We had some help with the younger group of featured speakers with attracting maybe a somewhat younger crowd. We are working on our line up for next year with the younger crowd in mind.
We had a very well attended show, especially considering that somewhere around 800,000, including myself, had been without power since the Wednesday before.
There are guys out there that the younger generation are attracted to. That's normal. Every generation seems to want to reinvent the wheel and have something they consider special for themselves. George Daniels has tapped into that with a younger following for his nymph book and now the streamer one.
We have a shop out in Ypsilanti that is run by Mike Schultz and he has a younger following. He attends our Expo. Big streamers are all the rage...;)
Rick Kustich is doing some cool stuff chasing Musky. I escorted him around the last time he was here and it was the first time I watched someone tie reverse buck tail on those pins...You tie on one and it attaches to another etc, and before you know it you have a monster fly. He showed me the pic of the Musky he caught with it and it was a monster.
Along the same note John...Our average age of our club is 62!? I think it is important that we attempt to interest the younger crowd...Our streams need to be protected and they won't be if the next generation has little interest in them.
Last year when I was in the Catskills with Tony and Eric I stopped in and visited the old Dettes Fly Shop in Roscoe. The grandson of Mary Dettes is running the shop now and he's a very thoughtful young man. We were having the same conversation and he told me not to worry, that the younger crowd is out there, and they are watching us online. He told me to keep our web page up to snuff etc.
He also told me about a group of 20-somethings that come up to the Catskills from Manhattan and quietly only fish the old Catskill ties...Its their thing. They keep it to themselves and are having a great deal of fun with it.
PS...I looked closer at the pic I posted of the crowd attending Landon's tying session and nearly 85%+ looks older...There's even one fella that looks like he's taking a nap in the front row there.