Hi Paul,
While we're onto stoneflies
Sorry about that. For some of you that may be wondering why I posted all the stonefly topics out of the blue, it's because I'm editing that section of the hatch Pages. The reason they show up in the forum is so that everybody: a. is made aware of the updates and, b. can comment on the determinations or taxa information.
who is the mid-sized to large "golden"/"tiger" stonefly with bright red legs
Based on your use of the word 'tiger', I'm assuming it was pretty brightly marked which makes me think it's a species of Perlidae, subfamily Perlinae (assuming it had obvious thoracic gills). The Acroneuriinae are rarely described this way. I doubt you took this specimen in CO. In the West, we have it a little easier because of only having one species of Perlinae, the monotypic
Claassenia sabulosa. I have never heard of a variant described with red legs, though I guess it's possible. More than likely it came from your NY days and is some variant of the Perlinae species found there:
Agnetina capitata,
Neoperla occipitalis,
Paragnetina immarginata, or
P. media.
Anybody from NY run into a red legged perlid that can help with this?