Yellow Sally?
Water boatman?
Skwala is a genus of stoneflies whose distribution is limited to the western states.
Yellow Sally is a common name for genus
Isoperla stoneflies, whose distribution is widely distributed and includes eastern states.
Glossosoma is a genus of caddisflies, the vast majority of whose (22) N. American species are limited to western states, except for
G. intermedium, which are also present in mid-western and eastern states, and
G. nigrior, whose distribution is limited to mid-western and eastern states, and
G. lividum and
G. spinatum, whose distribution is limited to eastern states.
Alderflies have a single N. American genus,
Sialis, which has widespread distribution.
Water boatmen have (18) N. American genera, whose distribution tend to be somewhat localized to specific geographic regions or states (North, Northwest, Florida, Texas, West, Southwest, etc.), with only three genera,
Sigara, and
Trichocorixa being distributed across all N. American geographic regions.