This specimen resembled several others of around the same size and perhaps the same species, which were pretty common in my February sample from the upper Yakima. Unfortunately, I misplaced the specimen before I could get it under a microscope for a definitive ID.
In case you didn't know, there is an excellent color drawing of Perla capitata, as the species was formerly known, which you can compare to your excellent color photographs. It serves as the frontispiece to Peter W. Claassen's Plecoptera Nymnphs of America North of Mexico (Springfield, Ill: The Thomas Say Foundation, 1931).On page 45 Claassen notes: "...easily recognized by the two dark transverse bands across the head, the two dark trabnsverse bands on the femeora, the presence of caudal gills and the yellow and dark banded abdomen." As with you, Claasssen was at Cornell.