Tiny Baetis mayflies are perhaps the most commonly encountered and imitated by anglers on all American trout streams due to their great abundance, widespread distribution, and trout-friendly emergence habits.
FOAM hoppers spence, and if you were on some water where fish loved hoppers, and you were watching me wack them with this pattern more so then normal...i think you might want to try one out ha!
You know I'd be getting a kick out of your success and having the chance to share a stream somewhere with you, but some old dogs are stubborn and don't get too rattled when you young whipper-snappers out fish them...:)
But yeah spence maybe next time i head north we'll have to get in touch and do some fishing!
If I may Jess I would like to commend you on how you handled my critique of the hoppers above...You take all this stuff, even from the old river-farts, in stride.
You've got to have the right temperament to get along with this group of misfits. Most of us have some strong opinions about things that don't matter to almost anyone else. Or maybe I'm just speaking for me.