so since swpa has been in flood stage, we've been throwing sink tips and big flies to get down... nice having a stream loaded with fish with virtually no one fishing. No one fishing the high flows and I'm loving it...
my buddies fish:
we got some rad video of the fight, which ensued for quite some time and a long distance. we both almost took some diggers. this is the kid who guides in alaska.. kid's spirit is unbreakable.
all fish released...
yellow buggers produce all the time:
my fish, not as big, but still worthy for a pic:
funny part about it is, I caught a similar sized golden on the season opener in the same stretch, but due to the markings, I'm thinking different fish:
Jason, tomorrow, I'll post the original to this pic... there was a guy in the pic behind me.. the stamp function took him right out... just giving big ups to cs5 my man
it's a great feeling that very little fish are being creeled... going to plenty of dry fly action late season with the temps and rain holding the hatches off... this time last year grannoms were in full force here in western pa.