Today protesters stormed the capital steps in Madison demanding an end to “Cabin Fever” (a.k.a. The Shack Nasties). An unnamed spokesperson for the group calling themselves “Fly Fishers for Equal Justice” sited an ever expanding epidemic, do to unfair state trout fishing regulations in various states, as the underlying cause. Thousands gathered in support wearing fishing vests, waders, and waving protest signs attached to fly rods. The group claimed that the turmoil started out in Michigan and has spread rapidly via the internet, and more specifically charged the web site Troutnut .com with spreading the virus. “It all started when a rather innocuous topic erupted into a rather lively debate between two of Michigan’s better known fly fishermen” said on of the more vocal protesters who would only identify himself as Falsifly. When asked for further comment he referred to his friend Jack who made this statement to reporters. “Many states have prejudiced our civil rights and thus segregated us from those afforded more individual freedom in other parts of the country. We stand firm on the grounds that all of us have the right to fish year round regardless of state residency and fishing regulations. No government agency has the power to deprive a person of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which is the definition of fishing” stated Jack. He went on to say that, “The Declaration of Independence guarantees us these inalienable rights, so how the hell can the government step in and regulate them?” A group of counter-protesters, many violently brandishing PETA signs, were then asked to comment. A more vocal participant said, “Our freedom and liberty is based on the rule of law, and it is the rule of law that protects those rights, and those same rights must be extended to the trout.” In rebuttal Jack replied, “I understand that, but you progressives’ have turned on us, subjugating our rights to the rights of the fish. We have endured “Cabin Fever” long enough; it has turned brother against brother. We demand a stop to this unfair policy.” Falsifly then jumped in and finished by saying, “We must come together and fight the scourge of “Cabin Fever” and once again unite in solidarity. We must return to civil discourse, understanding that it is “Cabin Fever” to which we all, from time to time, fall prey. None of us is immune to fault and we cannot point fingers in blame. Let us once again unite and freely express our thoughts, and let no one shrug from his or her willingness to participate. We urge the speedy recovery and return of those we may have, even temporarily, lost to the bane.”