Softhackle on Feb 8, 2011February 8th, 2011, 8:13 am EST
Hi all,
I have just recently heard of the passing of Sylvester Nemes. Mr. Nemes was, pretty much, responsible for reintroducing the soft-hackle fly to the world of fly fishing, at least, here in the US. His wonderful books on tying and fishing these flies leave a great legacy to all who love to fly fish. He will be greatly missed.
"I have the highest respect for the skilled wet-fly fisherman, as he has mastered an art of very great difficulty." Edward R. Hewitt
Flymphs, Soft-hackles and Spiders:
Oldredbarn on Feb 9, 2011February 9th, 2011, 3:50 am EST
Sorry to hear that Mark!
He tied some pretty flies and I love his somewhat over looked book "Spinners"...I have a signed copy with one of his actual flies attached to the title page of the book.
Another champion of the "old-school" gone! I'm glad he was one that, at least, got some of it down in print form.
"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively
"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood
Sayfu on Nov 17, 2011November 17th, 2011, 11:00 am EST
I sent Sylvester out to a riffle run of even current where I thought his soft hackles would work well. They had worked well for me on this run. After a Sat. session at the vice during our big show, Sylvester had time to fish for a short interval. I wanted to take him, but didn't press it. He had a fishing partner to drive him. Shortly after the show some 5-6 years ago, Sylvester was taken ill, and I think until this announcement.