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Artistic view of a Male Pteronarcys californica (Pteronarcyidae) (Giant Salmonfly) Stonefly Adult from the Gallatin River in Montana
Pteronarcys californica

The giant Salmonflies of the Western mountains are legendary for their proclivity to elicit consistent dry-fly action and ferocious strikes.

Dorsal view of a Setvena wahkeena (Perlodidae) (Wahkeena Springfly) Stonefly Nymph from Mystery Creek #199 in Washington
As far as I can tell, this species has only previously been reported from one site in Oregon along the Columbia gorge. However, the key characteristics are fairly unmistakable in all except for one minor detail:
— 4 small yellow spots on frons visible in photos
— Narrow occipital spinule row curves forward (but doesn’t quite meet on stem of ecdysial suture, as it's supposed to in this species)
— Short spinules on anterior margin of front legs
— Short rposterior row of blunt spinules on abdominal tergae, rather than elongated spinules dorsally
I caught several of these mature nymphs in the fishless, tiny headwaters of a creek high in the Wenatchee Mountains.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:10 am EDT
You're a brave man, Gonzo. Obviously, they don't use the "prime cuts" from the tuna fish to make cat food. Actually, I don't really WANT to know what part of the tuna they make cat food from...

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Oldredbarn's profile picture
Novi, MI

Posts: 2600
Oldredbarn on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:14 am EDT
you might run the risk of being drummed out of the Michigan Fly-Fishing Militia when you spell the name of Spence's beloved stream as "AUSABLE." (That's in NY.)

Gonzo...I'm thinking you missed your calling...You should of been a proof reader! How did you find that in the middle of that rant with exclamation marks 3 deep, and capitalized letters for emphasis, and run on sentences...He was so hot I swear he stuttered in print form. Remarkable! I'm sending you the red pen award!

We will forgive Jon his oversight...He is already worked up enough and I expect we will be hearing soon of a very large pop somewhere near the north side of the greater Detroit Metropolitan area...I'm hoping it's a wine cork and a little vino might settle him down a bit, or maybe it's from his head exploding...

You settle down up there now Jon...B.J & I are sorry for getting you going there! We can't speak for Gonzo...He may have a little bit of a mean streak...He sure knows which pile to stick his stirring stick in to for maximum effect and how to push them there Trout Nut buttons...:)

Have a nice quiet weekend boys! Maybe we need to find some smallies to harass so we can work off some of this steam.

"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively

"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:15 am EDT
P.S. My cat prefers her dried Purina food over any of that fancy stuff - even when my Mom has offered her tuna (I DON'T - I'm fine with her eating the dried stuff, probably supplemented with, how shall I say, "wild game"), she has a few nibbles and then walks away, if she eats any of it at all. Now, my folks' DOG is spoiled by having special stuff cooked for her and added to her food - we're talking chicken, roast beef, salmon (usually they are also eating this and give her the scraps, but sometimes she actually gets her own special portion cooked separately from what they're eating!), liverwurst, etc...My cat takes a few sniffs and just walks away...Perhaps there is something to be said for "wild meat" when you are a cat...

Oh SH*T - now we're turning into ANIMAL PLANET!!!!! ;oD

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
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"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:17 am EDT
You're a brave man, Gonzo.

That was probably stupidity more than bravery, Jonathon, but my judgement could have been impaired at the time...I can't recall. Actually, it might not be much different from the "ground ocean fish" they often use as trout food, which could explain why I associate the flavor of one with the other.
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:20 am EDT
Spence, that loud explosion could just be from a breaching leviathon, if everything goes right this evening...(hush hush)


P.S. Did I misspell AuSable?? If this ain't it, how the hell DO you spell it???
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Site Editor
"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 11:25 am EDT
"Au Sable" in MI, "Ausable" in NY. (Or "AU SABLE" and "AUSABLE," respectively, when you're in shouting mode.)

We can't speak for Gonzo...He may have a little bit of a mean streak...

I do tend to get a little mean when I've been housebound for too long, Spence. I need to get out more. Louis is attempting to save me from my darker side sometime next week. He thinks that fussing with trico feeders might help, but I worry that it might just make me meaner.
Oldredbarn's profile picture
Novi, MI

Posts: 2600
Oldredbarn on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 2:22 pm EDT

If I mess this up Tony will be mad at me, but Badger Bob use to say "It's a great day for hockey!"...If he had ever been introduced to a nice 4wt, a far-and-fine leader, and a cloud of tiny little Tricos over his head he would of said the same thing about a day a stream.

Relax man and enjoy yourself! You need a break. Just pretend you are Spence chasing blue-gills up on Beaver Island and re-connect with your inner 12 year old.

If you find yourself laughing out loud and talking to the fish, I'm sure Louis has heard it or seen it all before and can be trusted to keep it to himself. :) Been there! Done that!

"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively

"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood
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"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 2:46 pm EDT
...re-connect with your inner 12 year old.

My inner 12 year old is the problem when it comes to trico fishing, Spence. He's the one saying "If you'd just move down to the faster water and fish a scud, you'd be hammerin' 'em!" :)
Oldredbarn's profile picture
Novi, MI

Posts: 2600
Oldredbarn on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 2:54 pm EDT
That was one smart 12 year old! :)
"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively

"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood
Mpls, MN

Posts: 113
Ericd on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 4:17 pm EDT
Jason, do you have plans to put these discussions in book form? You'd be retiring from "Troutnut Rants Volume Twelve" real soon.
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 6:33 pm EDT
Skip the f*cking Tricos - who the HELL can see those things anyway??? - and pound some hoppers out there, Gonzo. You'll probably be happier and that inner 12-year-old will feel right at home.

SERIOUSLY, folks, size 20 and SMALLER??? I'm only 46 and I already have progressive bifocals! And I sure as hell don't feel like tying (or fishing) anything smaller than a 16 anymore. Besides, the fly hatch I saw this evening (at my secret spot, only Spence has any clue as to what I am talking about here...) was a good SIZE 8 OR 6. Give me Michigan waters any day...


P.S. No leviathons breached tonight but one did show himself, who is already guilty of stealing two Woolly Buggers from me...
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 6:37 pm EDT
P.P.S. Other suggestions for you, Gonzo:

CRICKET: a hopper tied all-black with gray wings.

KATYDID: a hopper tied in all grass-green.

Knock 'em dead (or perhaps, gently handle them and release them...)!

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Site Editor
"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 7:00 pm EDT
Thanks, Jonathon, but I already have a favorite terrestrial for general searching or even for "unmatching" a frustrating hatch.

However, Louis takes his tricos pretty seriously, and I will try to respect his desire to fish this hatch in the acceptable manner. But if the little buggers don't make a respectable showing, all bets are off, and I'll be throwing a terrestrial that is big enough to scare the crap out of the dinks or I'll be dunking a scud in the runs. :)
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Aug 6, 2010August 6th, 2010, 7:23 pm EDT
I would keep a few Woolly Buggers close at hand - but, that's just me...

(A substantially intoxicated) Jonathon (probably incapable of writing further - too masny ferwakingf mistaqkesdklnm [freaking mistakes]...

No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Oldredbarn's profile picture
Novi, MI

Posts: 2600
Oldredbarn on Aug 7, 2010August 7th, 2010, 9:23 am EDT
Mr G,

Can you say an ant with wings??? I once found that I had left home with out the "land bug" box and was having a bit of a rough time until I trimmed the wings down a bit on a few Tricos I found tucked away in the bottom of one of those 100+ fly boxes I carry...

Trout are like those old Lays potato chip ads when it comes to ants..."They are unable to eat just one." :) But you already knew that didn't you!?

My wife and I left the gym a few falls back and I had flying ants all over my car..."Damn! What a good night to have been on a stream somewhere??!!" My wife shook her head and said, "Mister! Is there any night when you wouldn't say that?!" "Honey, it's just if I had stumbled in to this on the Au Sable tonight I would be peeing in my waders!" "You are sick", she said. We all know this isn't open for debate!!! :)

That night I had walked on the treadmill near the window so I could watch the Barn Swallows taking their toll on these ants and torturing myself with visions of rising trout in my head...


"Even when my best efforts fail it's a satisfying challenge, and that, after all, is the essence of fly fishing." -Chauncy Lively

"Envy not the man who lives beside the river, but the man the river flows through." Joseph T Heywood
Site Editor
"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 7, 2010August 7th, 2010, 10:07 am EDT
No doubt about it, Mr. V--dry or wet, large or small, winged or wingless--ants are great, and "anting the hatch" is a useful tactic. That said, however, Coleoptera is still my favorite (partly) terrestrial order, but I'm also very picky about the design of the fly. ;)
Pleasant Gap, PA

Posts: 1197
Shawnny3 on Aug 8, 2010August 8th, 2010, 8:22 am EDT
Oh, no. I was afraid this might happen. Start a thread about a synthetic trout, and next thing you know people are talking about throwing synthetics at trout. Shame on you, Gonzo.


P.S. If Louis says anything about the Hairy Honeybug or his Glow Spinners, I'm never visiting this thread again.
Jewelry-Quality Artistic Salmon Flies, by Shawn Davis
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"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 8, 2010August 8th, 2010, 10:53 am EDT
Shame on you, Gonzo

I do feel guilty about dragging this thread all over the map, Shawn, but not about suggesting that I find some Coleoptera imitations wanting. I actually think that some of the "old-fashioned" deer-hair beetles are probably superior fish-catchers when compared to many "commercial" synthetic designs, but I've never been entirely satisfied with their durability.

Nice attempt to tease Louis out of hiding, but he seems to be playing his cards pretty close to the vest this summer. ;)
Pleasant Gap, PA

Posts: 1197
Shawnny3 on Aug 8, 2010August 8th, 2010, 2:43 pm EDT
Hard to cast shame on a shameless synthesizer. I can't say too much, though - I got tired of my waterlogged homemade deer-hair indicators last week and bummed a foam indicator (read, "bobber") from my brother. Next thing you know I'll be throwing plastic worms and throwing empty beer cans into the stream. It's a slippery slope.

Jewelry-Quality Artistic Salmon Flies, by Shawn Davis
Site Editor
"Bear Swamp," PA

Posts: 1681
GONZO on Aug 8, 2010August 8th, 2010, 3:03 pm EDT
It's a slippery slope.

It is indeed, but weren't you already slipping down that slope with a certain "curly" concoction? (Or are you using some sort of "natural" vernille?)

C'mon, Shawn, I'm not suggesting that you start using plastics on your presentation flies, but I remind you of these words from Annie Dillard: "...nor are plastics excluded from grace...." :)

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