Shawnny3 on Nov 17, 2009November 17th, 2009, 9:15 am EST
Anyone from Troutnut going to be there? It's at the Doubletree Hotel in Somerset, NJ, Nov. 21 and 22. I will be set up there, so if you are able to attend, please stop by and say hello.
Shawnny3 on Nov 18, 2009November 18th, 2009, 10:43 pm EST
Glad to hear a few Troutnuts will be joining me - I look forward to seeing you guys. Eagles, you'll have to introduce yourself. Casey, is your BFB going to be there, as well?
I'm anticipating a really good show. Should be fun.
CaseyP on Nov 19, 2009November 19th, 2009, 6:42 am EST
Shawn, BFB is on the mend from pneumonia, of all things, so i'm solo. too bad, but better be conservative. and i'm leaving the credit cards at home!!
BTW, any suggestions for a pink feather that would make a cheek on a #4 Carrie Stephens streamer? figure the answer will be there if anywhere.
Shawnny3 on Nov 19, 2009November 19th, 2009, 7:37 am EST
Sorry to hear BFB isn't doing so well. I hope he recovers soon.
Do you mean a bona fide Stevens streamer or one tied in that style? I don't know any of her patterns that use a pink shoulder. Red shoulders are pretty common in her patterns, though, and they are typically dyed chicken or duck breast. I know John McLain of FeathersMC will be at the show, and he has a tremendous selection of Stevens streamer hackles in really nice, authentic colors. I don't know if he sells chicken or duck breast feathers, though.
CaseyP on Nov 20, 2009November 20th, 2009, 3:32 am EST
nope, just Stevens-style. it's for a swap of "one color" flies. ran across some dyed mallard in florescent pink in a catalog, so if i strike out this weekend, it's on to the web.