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Lateral view of a Male Baetis (Baetidae) (Blue-Winged Olive) Mayfly Dun from Mystery Creek #43 in New York
Blue-winged Olives

Tiny Baetis mayflies are perhaps the most commonly encountered and imitated by anglers on all American trout streams due to their great abundance, widespread distribution, and trout-friendly emergence habits.

27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Jmd123 has attached these 19 pictures. The message is below.
Sleeping Bear Dunes!
The (tilted) "Three Amigos Selfie" on the beach of Lake Michigan!
Joe & Todd feeling very little, if any, pain
"Nervous water"
What's in there???
Big, dark fish!  Coho were thick in here but so were the humans...we didn't bother wetting a line
Back at Todd's place...his turtle platform, complete with turtles!
Okay, we weren't using fly rods, they were too deep...but we caught dinner!  Double-header
Joe with another double-header!  We's eatin' 'gills tonight!
We threw this one back as a breeder!
Gleaned from a field owned by Frito-Lay post-harvest, these were leftovers just laying all over the ground like stones!
The main course
Todd's cuuuuute little deep-fat fryer
Home-made tater chips!
Watch out, got my 10-foot 7-weight cannon!
Joe continues to perfect his casting technique, here with a nymph/indicator set-up
Grumpy fisherman...worn out by that big rod, had my Measure-Net stolen by the swift current, which then almost took me for a swim...grumpy fisherman
Okay, there's just too many possible captions to pick one!  You decide! (BTW this is now LEGAL in Michigan!)
Once again, "The Three Amigos" at Todd's cottage with Cowden Lake in the background
Jmd123's profile picture
Oscoda, MI

Posts: 2474
Jmd123 on Mar 2, 2021March 2nd, 2021, 3:30 am EST
Last fall just as colors were starting to change I headed west to a cute little kettle hole lake, where my buddy Todd has a fine cottage. Joe met up with us as well! We fished & partied & etc. for three days there and, as you can see, had a great time. Fly fishing was not as hoped for, and cloudy nighttime skies kept us from viewing the stars, but we had lots of fun anyway, can't help it with these guys! Enjoy.


P.S. Don't know why the pics are showing up goofy! The last one is NOT upside-down!!
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...
Roguerat's profile picture
Posts: 456
Roguerat on Mar 3, 2021March 3rd, 2021, 2:49 am EST

Welcome (back) to the West Coast, and I'm wondering if your Cowden L is the one in Montcalm Co...? If so I fished all over the place in and around that neck of the MI woods, throwing an 8 wt and big scary hair-bugs for LM Bass and N Pike way back in my fly-fishing 'yoot.
Nice pics and looks like a good time with friends and some suspicious weeds and all,


"Less is more...'

Ludwig Mies Vande Rohe
Wbranch's profile picture
York & Starlight PA

Posts: 2635
Wbranch on Mar 3, 2021March 3rd, 2021, 5:17 am EST
Looks like you guys had nice weather and a good time. I really like the looks of the stream where you lost your net. The trout in there are they wild or stocked? Any steelhead?
Catskill fly fisher for fifty-five years.
Roguerat's profile picture
Posts: 456
Roguerat on Mar 3, 2021March 3rd, 2021, 5:24 am EST
Deductive reasoning here, I'm thinking it's the Platte (the MI one, not CO) or else the Betsie R?
Crazy clear water, the Coho with attendant zoo/crowd, and in or near Sleeping Bear Nat'l Lakeshore...just guessing.


'Less is more...'

Ludwig Mies Vande Rohe

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