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Lateral view of a Female Hexagenia limbata (Ephemeridae) (Hex) Mayfly Dun from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin
Hex Mayflies
Hexagenia limbata

The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.

Dorsal view of a Kogotus (Perlodidae) Stonefly Nymph from Mystery Creek #199 in Washington
This one pretty clearly keys to Kogotus, but it also looks fairly different from specimens I caught in the same creek about a month later in the year. With only one species of the genus known in Washington, I'm not sure about the answer to this ID.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Landscape & scenery photos from Brodhead Creek

Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Early morning sunshine beats through the trees, heating the water up for a Drunella hatch.

From Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
A few nice trout were rising in this deep pool during the tail end of a morning Drunella hatch, but I didn't manage to fool them.

From Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania

Underwater photos from Brodhead Creek

Late May finds many trout streams brimming with tiny minnow fry in large schools.

On-stream insect photos from Brodhead Creek

A freshly emerged female Drunella cornuta dun.

From Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Here's the bottom of a freshly emerged male Drunella cornuta dun, showing a lighter shade of olive than the specimens I photographed with my better camera in the evening.

From Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania
Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania

Closeup insects by Troutnut from Brodhead Creek in Pennsylvania

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