Tiny Baetis mayflies are perhaps the most commonly encountered and imitated by anglers on all American trout streams due to their great abundance, widespread distribution, and trout-friendly emergence habits.
I tie my hackle off at the post.
I'll try. Instead of whip finishing at the eye I do it around the post.
I tie in my tails;
tie in the wing post, I used poly pro last night;
dub the body to the post;
attach hackle to the post;
then dub to the eye of the hook and back to the post;
with my thread at the post I wind the hackle around post;
I then tie in the hackle around the post with my thread;
once hackle is secured I perfrom a whip finish around the post.
By doing it this way and I don't have to worry about pulling fiber aways from the hook eye to whip finish thefly. I don't think this is my idea, although it could have come to me in a dream. i can't remember why I began doing it this way. I must have seen it somewhere.
I hope you are able to understand this.
One step I saw that I haven't been doing is to make repetitive thread wraps around the base of the post. I'm not sure what the purpose of that is - can anyone tell me? I've just been wrapping the hackle around the base of the CDC wings.
Yes, after the yarn post was affixed the guy ran a bunch of thread wraps around and up the yarn. It appeared to be about 10 - 12 thread wraps. So far my wings seem to be providing adequate support for the hackle but the true test will be how does it hold up after my aggressive casting.