The giant Salmonflies of the Western mountains are legendary for their proclivity to elicit consistent dry-fly action and ferocious strikes.
I've seen both light and dark color morphs of "Hendrickson" in both sexes and with both med and gray wings and some with very dark wings -in all permutations. Always wondered what was up with that.
That is an interesting pic and we really don't know the effects of light or flash may have contributed, but that luminescent olive cast, near impossible to recreate, I've also seen in some of our invarias when they hatch.
Marinaro and Fox spoke of it and like we here spent most of their lives trying to get it right. Mother Nature says, "Take that boys! Match that if you can!" :)
Don't be so hard on yourself, Eric.
Don't be so hard on yourself, Eric. Those are beautiful flies, and I'm sure the fish at least a few fish agree with me.
Very pretty flies. Nicely tapered and slim abdomen with a more robust thorax. While the barred woodduck is a very good replication of the naturals tail it won't be giving you very much in the way of floatation. Unless of course your intention is to let the tail break through the meniscus and look more like an emerging dun.
Man! Putting that new rod in to the rotation...Big time! Nice!
My humble attempt at those Hennies.
Like most of the other ephemerellids I clumbsily try to imitate, I have several color variations for the same mayfly.