The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.
Sirhoops23 on Feb 21, 2007February 21st, 2007, 1:13 pm EST
I have made it a goal to fish all 10 blue ribbon waters in MO by June. Well I fished my first this morning at Crane Creek, Crane MO. It was an unbelievable day. We have had cold weather lately but this week it rocketed and was 65+ degrees today. I got to Crane at about 7:40 and hit the water. It was a slow day but a great day. There was a terrible ice storm that downed a lot of trees which made fishing difficult (needless to say I lost my fair share of flies). All in all I saw 20+ fish and was able to land one nice 13" rainbow and two 8" fighters. Hit one whole that held 3 20"+ rainbows that at least went a LBS 1/2 to TWO. Finally was able to get my John Deere (a green jig pattern) down to them and bang, but as quick as I had him he was gone and that was all for the big fish this day. Also saw a beaver and a nice 6" chub. All in all a great start to the 07' season. Happy fishing.
Troutnut on Feb 22, 2007February 22nd, 2007, 8:43 am EST
Sounds like a nice day!
I've got a while to go before I can get started. We've had a warm spell recently but it was so cold for a while and we had so much snow that there's very little open water on any of our streams.
Jason Neuswanger, Ph.D.
Troutnut and salmonid ecologist
Jmd123 on Aug 13, 2007August 13th, 2007, 4:36 pm EDT
I have fished Crane Creek, many years ago when I lived in MO (ex was from Kansas City). It's a sweet little spot! The first time I went there I made it an all-day trip, and caught about half-dozen rainbows from 5 to 10 inches or so. I also hooked and lost a spectacular male rainbow (complete with kyped jaws) about 20" that came straight out of the water in front of me and snapped off a big black stonefly nymph. I'll never forget the brilliant pink stripe on his side. I'm wondering if this was in the same hole you mentioned - it was behind a big fallen tree about 3 ft. in diameter, and fish were stacked on top of one another, from 8-inchers at the top to some big lunkers at the bottom. I must have thrown about 15 fly patterns in that hole before I finally got that stonefly down in their faces. The current at that location made it almost impossible!
I also caught a 10-inch hornyhead chub there, which grabbed a gold-ribbed hare's ear refused by a neighboring trout. Crane Creek is also the only place in which I've seen a largemouth bass swim by followed almost immediately by a rainbow trout. (I've taken bluegill and rainbows side-by-side in Georgia, but never the afforementioned combination!)
It's been over a decade since I've been there. Good to hear that it's still a great spot!
No matter how big the one you just caught is, there's always a bigger one out there somewhere...