Collected in Cattaraugus CO. NY on May 17th from an intermittent spring seep flowing through a undisturbed, 400 acre stand of Allegheny hardwood. The stonefly nymphs were quite prolific, almost under every rock with a diameter larger than a CD. No adults to be found despite their apparent maturity.
The seep is also rich with caddis larva, several species of salamanders, crayfish and spotted newts higher up along the bank.
Appears to be family Perlidae .... is it just A. capitata with an interesting color variation??
where the seep upwells from the ground (looking downstream)
Salamander spices include...
Duskey Salamander ~ Desmognathus fuscus
Two Lined Salamander ~ Eurycea bislineata
Spotted Salamander ~ Ambystoma maculatum
(pictured) Four-toed Salamander ~ Hemidactylium scutatum
And my friend that foraged along with me in the seep just feet away...