Cdcaddis18 on Oct 11, 2009October 11th, 2009, 4:06 pm EDT
Personally I like to dig up dragonfly larvae or those cream colored caddis worms in the stick cases and dead drift them under a Thill float with my centerpin outfit down the seams and runs of all the central and north central PA streams and rivers.
Delablobbo on Dec 29, 2009December 29th, 2009, 8:26 am EST
1. Adams
2. Caddis Variant Light (outfishes the Elk Hair Caddis, I swear).
3. Griffth's Gnat.
4. Hare's Ear Soft Hackle (which I often fish as a nymph).
5. Olive Comparadun (works for sulfurs, too).
6. Partridge and Orange softhackle (which I often fish as a nymph).