The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.
In 7 records from GBIF, adults of this species have been collected during June (43%), July (29%), and August (29%).
Most physical descriptions on Troutnut are direct or slightly edited quotes from the original scientific sources describing or updating the species, although there may be errors in copying them to this website. Such descriptions aren't always definitive, because species often turn out to be more variable than the original describers observed. In some cases, only a single specimen was described! However, they are useful starting points.
This is another brown and white, clear-winged species with black-ringed abdomen. Thorax brown above with paler sutural lines on the sides. Legs pale. Wings hyaline. Costal cross veins obsolete except in the creamy stigmatic area which covers costal and subcostal interspaces. Stigmatic cross veins few, simple, slightly curved.
Abdomen brown on segments 1 and 8 to 10; light brown on 2 and 7; white on 3 to 6, and on the base of 7, with blackish apical half-rings and lateral stripes that are darker at the postero-lateral angles of the segment. Ganglia and venter of segments 7 to 9 yellowish. The basal segment of the forceps tapers suddenly at the base, then very slightly to its tip. The penes are separated by an oval U-shaped notch, longest at the inner angle which projects rearward in a rounded lobe. Lateral to this lobe the apex is obliquely truncate, ending laterally in a minute recurved hook; the reflexed spurs are elongate, sickle-shaped and incurving at the tip (see fig. 133).