The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.
Most physical descriptions on Troutnut are direct or slightly edited quotes from the original scientific sources describing or updating the species, although there may be errors in copying them to this website. Such descriptions aren't always definitive, because species often turn out to be more variable than the original describers observed. In some cases, only a single specimen was described! However, they are useful starting points.
A brownish species having a small brown cloud in the axillar fold of the fore wing.
Thorax deep yellowish brown. Fore femur and tibia reddish brown, tibia redder at tip; tarsus whitish, washed with grey distally; joinings blackish. Middle and hind femora pale reddish brown, tarsi whitish, tinged with brown; joinings light reddish. Wings hyaline, with a small brown cloud in the axillar fold of the fore wing. Veins blackish; the costa, subcosta and radius brownish black, as are also the bases of the main veins.
Abdomen dark brown dorsally, the apical segments washed with yellow. Dark brown median streak, the usual dark lateral triangles, and the pale anterior triangles on each tergite. Ventrally pale, sternites 8 and 9 yellowish to reddish brown. Faint U-shaped marks may be present, or fine lines converging toward the bases of the sternites. Forceps base pale in the middle area, light brown laterally. Forceps light brown. Tails greyish, the joinings blackish.
Described as S. berenice
Body length 9-10 mm, wing length 10 mm
A medium-sized brownish species; wings faintly tinted with brown.
Head yellowish. Thorax reddish brown; pleura tinged with yellow, sutures white. Reddish tinges at wing roots, on scutellum, and on mesosternum. Reddish yellow patch on each side of mesothoracic scutellum, also on metanotum.
Legs reddish brown, joinings darker. Wings faintly tinged with brown, especially on the costal margin. Veins dark reddish to purplish brown. Cross veins almost as heavy as longitudinal veins. Costal cross veins prominent; about 12 before the bulla, 22-26 beyond it. Those in stigmatic area are slightly curved, tend to anastomose, and some are incomplete, not reaching the subcosta.
Abdomen dark reddish brown dorsally, the apical tergites tinged with yellowish red. Posterior margins dark brown; usual dark lateral triangles and dark oval spots present. Pale areas on anterior margin somewhat reduced in size. Ventrally pale brown. Lateral dark patches present, united with oblique lines to form antero-lateral triangles; a pale oval space with a dark margin, in outer edge of this triangle. Sternite 1 dark brown on anterior margin. No dark median marks nor spots. Sternites 8 and 9 largely yellow with powdery white markings; dark lateral mark on sternite 9. Forceps and penes reddish brown; penes as in fig. 122. Tails dark reddish brown at base, becoming yellow in middle and distal portions. Joinings dark red-brown.