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Lateral view of a Female Hexagenia limbata (Ephemeridae) (Hex) Mayfly Dun from the Namekagon River in Wisconsin
Hex Mayflies
Hexagenia limbata

The famous nocturnal Hex hatch of the Midwest (and a few other lucky locations) stirs to the surface mythically large brown trout that only touch streamers for the rest of the year.

Dorsal view of a Kogotus (Perlodidae) Stonefly Nymph from Mystery Creek #199 in Washington
This one pretty clearly keys to Kogotus, but it also looks fairly different from specimens I caught in the same creek about a month later in the year. With only one species of the genus known in Washington, I'm not sure about the answer to this ID.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
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Small Western Gordon Quills

Like most common names,"Small Western Gordon Quill" can refer to more than one taxon. They're previewed below, along with 6 specimens. For more detail click through to the scientific names.

Mayfly Genus Epeorus

These are sometimes called Small Western Gordon Quills.
There is remarkable variety of form and color within this prolific genus of fast-water mayflies. Different species are found across the country, and several cause good hatches. Fly anglers are likely to encounter the lesser species on occasion, too.

The best Epeorus hatch in the East is Epeorus pleuralis, the famous Quill Gordon, the first abundant large mayfly hatch of the year. Epeorus vitreus comes a little later and is important in both the East and Midwest.

In the West, Epeorus longimanus dominates in fast, high-altitude streams, while Epeorus albertae inhabits slower and lower waters.
Artistic view of a Male Epeorus deceptivus (Heptageniidae) Mayfly Dun from the South Fork Sauk River in Washington
The lack of a darkened humeral crossvein rules out Epeorus albertae and Epeorus dulciana. The lack of a dark macula on the forefemora rules out Epeorus longimanus. The small size rules out Epeorus grandis and Epeorus permagnus. That leaves as the only possibility known in Washington state Epeorus deceptivus. It is a small species, although not reportedly quite as small as this specimen. I couldn't find anything in the species description in Traver (1935) to definitively confirm or rule out the species ID, given that I don't have the preserved specimen to check under a microscope, but it has to be either deceptivus or something not yet reported in Washington.

It was collected at the same time as a similar-sized female dun.
Epeorus vitreus (Heptageniidae) (Sulphur) Mayfly Nymph from unknown in Wisconsin

Mayfly Species Cinygmula ramaleyi

These are sometimes called Small Western Gordon Quills.
This can be the first mayfly of the season on high mountain streams in the western states, but emerges later in the season in Alaska. It is the most important species of Cinygmula for anglers.
Lateral view of a Female Cinygmula ramaleyi (Heptageniidae) (Small Western Gordon Quill) Mayfly Dun from Nome Creek in Alaska
This dun is almost certainly of the same species as this nymph, as it hatched in my cooler from a nearly identical nymph.
Male Cinygmula ramaleyi (Heptageniidae) (Small Western Gordon Quill) Mayfly Spinner from the Touchet River in Washington
Adults were collected from the North Fork of the Touchet River at Touchet Corral, 21 Sept. One photo is the swarm of males over the stream about 3 PM, air temp about 66 degree.
Cinygmula ramaleyi (Heptageniidae) (Small Western Gordon Quill) Mayfly Nymph from Nome Creek in Alaska
This nymph is almost definitely the same species as this dun, which hatched from a nearly identical nymph from the same collection.

Small Western Gordon Quills

Scientific Names
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