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Artistic view of a Male Pteronarcys californica (Pteronarcyidae) (Giant Salmonfly) Stonefly Adult from the Gallatin River in Montana
Pteronarcys californica

The giant Salmonflies of the Western mountains are legendary for their proclivity to elicit consistent dry-fly action and ferocious strikes.

Dorsal view of a Glossosoma (Glossosomatidae) (Little Brown Short-horned Sedge) Caddisfly Larva from the Yakima River in Washington
I caught this tiny larva without a case, but it seems to key pretty clearly to to Glossosomatidae. From there, the lack of sclerites on the mesonotum points to either Glossosoma or Anagapetus. Although it's difficult to see in a 2D image from the microscope, it's pretty clear in the live 3D view that the pronotum is only excised about 1/3 of its length to accommodate the forecoxa, not 2/3, which points to Glossosoma at Couplet 5 of the Key to Genera of Glossosomatidae Larvae.
27" brown trout, my largest ever. It was the sub-dominant fish in its pool. After this, I hooked the bigger one, but I couldn't land it.
Troutnut is a project started in 2003 by salmonid ecologist Jason "Troutnut" Neuswanger to help anglers and fly tyers unabashedly embrace the entomological side of the sport. Learn more about Troutnut or support the project for an enhanced experience here.

Caddisfly Genus Ceraclea (Scaly-Wing Sedges)

Ceraclea caddisflies are not ranked among the superhatches, but they may cause selective feeding at times. Ceraclea transversa is the most important species.

Where & when

Time of year : Early summer for most species

Preferred waters: Rivers or lakes

In 649 records from GBIF, adults of this genus have mostly been collected during June (31%), July (31%), August (18%), and May (14%).

In 253 records from GBIF, this genus has been collected at elevations ranging from -30 to 7546 ft, with an average (median) of 942 ft.

Genus Range

Hatching behavior

Time of day : Late afternoon and evening

Gary LaFontaine notes in Caddisflies that Ceraclea species become active a little earlier in the evening than most other caddisflies in the same days, sometimes prompting trout to take them selectively before the other flies have even appeared.

Egg-Laying behavior

Time of day: Late afternoon and evening

Larva & pupa biology

Environmental tolerance: Requires cool water

Ceraclea larvae are not important as a trout food, but their biology is interesting. Some species feed on and burrow into freshwater sponges.

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Caddisfly Genus Ceraclea (Scaly-Wing Sedges)

33 species (Ceraclea alabamae, Ceraclea alagmus, Ceraclea albostictus, Ceraclea alces, Ceraclea ancylus, Ceraclea annulicornis, Ceraclea arielles, Ceraclea brevis, Ceraclea cama, Ceraclea cancellatus, Ceraclea cophus, Ceraclea daggyi, Ceraclea dilutus, Ceraclea erraticus, Ceraclea erullus, Ceraclea excisus, Ceraclea flavus, Ceraclea floridanus, Ceraclea latahensis, Ceraclea maccalmonti, Ceraclea mentieus, Ceraclea neffi, Ceraclea nephus, Ceraclea nigronervosa, Ceraclea ophioderus, Ceraclea protonepha, Ceraclea punctata, Ceraclea ruthae, Ceraclea slossonae, Ceraclea spongillovorax, Ceraclea submacula, Ceraclea uvalo, and Ceraclea vertreesi) aren't included.
Genus Range
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